Health: Liposuction Myths

Liposuction is one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries, providing excellent results when performed by Plastic Surgeons with the necessary sensitivity to perceive the natural contours and lines of the human body

Over the years we have seen a natural evolution of the various techniques, with a substantial improvement in the results obtained and in the safety of the interventions. While a few years ago it was a surgery with a moderate risk and performed in isolation, today it is a very safe surgery that is associated with other surgical procedures on an outpatient basis.

Its popularity and marketing have led to the creation of various myths and misconceptions, and some of the ideas I most often try to address and debunk in consultations are:

1) Liposuction is not an obesity surgery

In cases of obesity, we should focus on diet and regular exercise. Here, monitoring by a nutritionist and personal trainer plays a key role in achieving good results. In more dramatic cases, Obesity Consultation and Surgery can also be advantageous.

2) Liposuction is not a procedure performed by technicians

Liposuction is a surgical technique that should be performed by Plastic Surgeons, as they are the only ones trained and qualified to do it. As well as having the sensitivity inherent in the practice of their speciality, they are the only ones with the competence and experience to deal with any situation that may arise in relation to this surgery.

3) The aspirated fat can be used to improve the contour of other anatomical areas.

The aspirated fat can be used to increase volume in various anatomical areas that are not aspirated (most commonly the gluteal region and/or the breast). As well as being a permanent filler, using your own fat has several advantages – there is no risk of rejection and it leads to an improvement in the overall quality of the skin.

4) Liposuction does not imply prolonged absence from work

Liposuction is not associated with prolonged absence from work. It can often be carried out on an outpatient basis, and after 1-3 days you’ll be able to go about your normal routine, just avoiding excessive exertion.

5) Liposuction is a surgery totally dependent on the surgeon’s sensitivity

The technique has evolved from simple aspiration of unwanted fat to customised sculpting in the operating theatre. You are therefore totally dependent on the sensitivity, expertise and skill of your surgeon. There are new technologies that give us even better results, with more defined zones. It is essential to have a good consultation, to clarify all your doubts with your surgeon, in order to carry out the procedure safely and ensure a high level of post-surgical satisfaction.

When carried out under the right conditions and by competent Plastic Surgeons, Liposuction makes it possible to obtain excellent results with a very low risk of complications. We live in times of high rigour and high demand. These daily challenges are fundamental to what I consider to be a truly artistic endeavour as well as a medical one – sculpting a customised body.

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