Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is the surgery which allows mastectomised patients (removal of the breast) to have a new breast replaced or to improve its shape in cases of partial removal.

Normally, due to the diagnosis of cancer and partial or total loss of the breast, this surgery is essential for the woman’s psychological balance.

In addition to Breast Cancer, Breast Reconstruction can also be indicated in cases of breast deformation due to genetic reasons, accidents, or even due to the consequences of an unsuccessful breast surgery.

In the great majority of cases, this surgical intervention can be performed in the same operative time as the Mastectomy, which is an added value for the patient who will not have to live with the absence of the breast, an essential element to her femininity. Thanks to developments in medicine, particularly in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, it is possible to help the patient to obtain a new breast with characteristics and shape very similar to the mastectomised breast; in some cases, it is even possible to obtain results superior to those prior to the mastectomy, with the result after Breast Reconstruction being a result of Aesthetic Surgery.

This reconstruction can be achieved through:
• Breast implants or expanders: placed in the subglandular or submuscular plane;
• Flaps: use of skin, fat and/or muscle tissue from other areas of the body;
• Lipograft: Creation of the new breast or improvement of the contour with fat harvested from other areas of the body;
• Combination of several techniques.

The amount of skin removed in the mastectomy, the state of the tissues and the patient’s state of health are some of the factors to take into account when choosing the type of reconstruction.

In some situations, before proceeding with breast reconstruction, it is necessary to place a breast expander, which will be gradually filled. This technique will expand the patient’s skin progressively and, when the desired volume is reached, the expander is removed to make room for the breast implants.

If the nipples have not been preserved after the mastectomy, it is also possible to reconstruct them with skin flaps from the breast itself.

Surgical time: 60 minutes to 4 hours


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Frequently Asked Questions

Before any procedure is carried out, an assessment appointment should be scheduled. It is at this moment that, according to your needs and objectives, you will be presented with a personalised treatment plan appropriate to your situation, and where you can clarify all your doubts in order to move forward in an informed and conscious manner.

You can book your appointment here.

Due to the highly personalized follow-up policy that our team offers (24h/per day), you will have to stay in Portugal for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, depending on the surgery performed.

The performance of tests (analysis, x-ray, ultrasound, among others) will depend on the surgical intervention to be performed.

It is possible to have a consultation by video call. You can schedule your consultation here.

Fundamentally, before any surgical procedure it is necessary to adopt universal measures such as control of known diseases, balanced diet, weight maintenance and stop smoking. The care that follows will be personalised according to the surgery to be performed.

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