
Blepharoplasty is a surgery that allows the rejuvenation of the periorbital region, either by removing the excess skin and/or the fat bags of the eyelids (upper, lower or both). Besides being a question of aesthetics, this surgery is frequently sought by patients who, due to excess skin, loss of elasticity and muscular weakening of the upper eyelid, have their vision compromised.

There are two types of blepharoplasty, which can be performed in combination:

Upper Blepharoplasty: Surgical correction of the upper eyelid, with an incision in the horizontal crease, that is, in the natural fold of the eyelid. Having this location, the scar is strategically hidden, being practically imperceptible after a few months.

Lower Blepharoplasty: allows for the correction of the so-called “eye bags”, which are fat bags located in the lower eyelid, as well as for the correction of skin excess and a lift of the middle third of the face.

Types of incision:

Internal approach: small incision inside the eye indicated for when it is necessary to remove the fat bags and there is no excess skin. No visible scar.

External approach: in cases of excess skin, a small incision is made immediately next to the lashes, along the natural lines of the skin, to remove the fat pockets and excess skin.

Surgical time: 45 minutes to 2 hours


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Frequently Asked Questions

Before any procedure is carried out, an assessment appointment should be scheduled. It is at this moment that, according to your needs and objectives, you will be presented with a personalised treatment plan appropriate to your situation, and where you can clarify all your doubts in order to move forward in an informed and conscious manner.

You can book your appointment here.

Due to the highly personalized follow-up policy that our team offers (24h/per day), you will have to stay in Portugal for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, depending on the surgery performed.

The performance of tests (analysis, x-ray, ultrasound, among others) will depend on the surgical intervention to be performed.

It is possible to have a consultation by video call. You can schedule your consultation here.

Fundamentally, before any surgical procedure it is necessary to adopt universal measures such as control of known diseases, balanced diet, weight maintenance and stop smoking. The care that follows will be personalised according to the surgery to be performed.

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